Blogs > Household Bills > 10 reasons to use a student bill splitting company to manage your household bills.  

10 reasons to use a student bill splitting company to manage your household bills.  

By University Cribs.
Last Updated 24 Mar 2021
- minute read

Student bills, are one of the least pretty sides to University life. One minute you’re enjoying the pleasures of electricity and water whenever you need them, the next you’re trying to split the cost between multiple other not-so-well-informed students. We’ll there is always the option of using a student bill splitting company…

Well, there’s one step that you can take, which will completely take the stress away, and provide you with a way to look out for just yourself – split the bills. If you’re thinking about joining a student bill splitting company, here are all the reasons why you should split student utility bills with your housemates.    

  1. No more arguments 

It was revealed that over a third of all UK students have had a house argument over the payment of student utility bills. Now, University is obviously about leaving with a degree and increasing your career prospects, but it’s also about meeting new people and making friendships that will last a lifetime.  

You don’t want to lose a friend over a student utility bill, do you? When you’re just in charge of your own bills, it really does take the pressure off the relationships in your house.  

When you split the bills fairly, nobody feeling like they’ve been scammed or bitter to somebody else in the house. Less arguing, more partying, right?  

  1. There’s no lead tenant

Don’t listen to what anybody says, University is a stressful time. Do you know what could make the whole experience worse? Being a lead tenant for your house. No more student gas and electric bills being thrown on one person.  

One person will not be bombarded with the stress of the bills. Instead, a student bill splitting company will manage the whole setup – from installation and the billing process. It’s the best way.    

  1. You get one simple bill

Without a student bill splitting company, you’ll be given bills from every direction, each popping up at different times, and it can be hard to keep track of. They might get lost in the pile of essays or emails, too.  

With a student bill splitting company, you’re given one simple bill at the end of every month. This will help you manage your finances, and dedicate more of your time to more important University things.  

You have the rest of your life to worry about organising utility bills, there’s no reason why you should be doing it during your University life.  

  1. Some companies will find the cheapest rates

Depending on who you use, they could find the cheapest rates for student utility bills for you. For example, Resooma offers bills inclusive packages, which could end up saving you a lot of money each month.  

Student life is never financially perfect, saving a few pounds here and there can make a big difference. However, on your own, combined with the stresses that come with University, it can be hard to compare prices. 

Basically, let a student bill splitting company do the hard work for you, whilst you reap the benefits and relax.  

  1. You have one point of contact: The student bill splitting company 

If you have any problems, you no longer have to rummage around in paperwork to find the contact information. You can just ring the student bill splitting company, and they will sort everything out for you. What could be simpler?  

One point of contact, for all your problems, is a really great thing to have. Stick their number to your refrigerator and rest easy, knowing you’ll be completely fine.  

Again, University life doesn’t have to be made any more stressful than it already is – a student bill splitting company helps with this.  

  1. You receive a personalised service

Have you ever talked to a big utility company? After you make your way through the automation, you are treated just like a name on a spreadsheet. It’s extremely difficult to have a personal relationship with them, which means you won’t get a service which is perfect for you.  

A student bill splitting company, in a totally none creepy way, needs to know a little bit more about you. They’ll offer you a service that works best for both you, and them.  

Things like electric use, internet usage, water, student bills packages and Tv license will all be dependent on your needs, the number of housemates and how often you’re all in the accommodation. Again, this could save you a lot of money – the more for those late-night coffees in the library or Jagerbombs at the student union.  

  1. It saves you time

Your years at University will fly by, and you’ll feel it. It’s a crazy, surreal and fast time. Something which you don’t need to spend any more time than necessary on, is bills.  

Using a student bill splitting company will ensure that you’re saving your precious time, so you can study more, make new friends and attend socials. Money and student house bills worries can really be a big weight on your shoulders, don’t let it occupy any more time than required.  

  1. They will take care of the setup

Resooma specifically offers a great service for this. You can move into your student house, with everything just waiting for you to use it. They take care of searching, comparing, starting and ending. 

All you’ll have to worry about is fitting all your things into your bags.  

  1. Student bill splitting companies are nice support for utilities

Yes, utilities are confusing and scary. This is especially true when you’ve had no prior experience.  

It’s always useful to read up on everything, but just enjoy your university years. There’s time to look into utilities in the future.  

Student bill splitting companies offer a helping hand, which is sometimes, all you really need.  

  1. It helps you budget effectively

Ah, budgeting, something every student needs to do. Well, what about when you set out a nice budget but then a bill or two takes you by surprise. Then, you’re left eating noodles for two weeks?  

Having one set bill at the end of every month, filled with all your student utility bills, will help you set your budget efficiently, so you’re not left in the dark.  


Well, we hope this convinced you on splitting the bills. We know, student bills can be hard, but with a bill splitting company, you’ll have multiple less things to worry about. Don’t forget to check out Resooma for the easiest ways to split bills.  


All your utility bills in one monthly payment, split between housemates

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