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20 Tips to Save Money In A House Share

By University Cribs.
Last Updated 12 Jul 2021
- minute read

We’re all looking for savvy ways to make our money stretch that little bit further. Are you looking for foolproof hacks to save your hard-earned cash at home? You are in the right place. In this article, we’ll help you understand how you can pay your monthly rent without cutting your expenses and still saving some money.

Why Burnout When You Can Save Money On Your Rents?

Finding your ideal rental apartment with all amenities you require can be very challenging and tiresome. Moreover, constantly worrying about earning enough to pay the extravagant renting costs is another hassle. Let’s face it – what’s the point in working so hard when you cannot save enough for your future?

So, if you are also in the same boat, you don’t need to stress yourself out as there are innumerous effective ways to save money on renting without limiting your expenditures. Whether you are a student, a new working professional, or a couple moving out, read to find plenty of useful tips that are sure to help you save your money.

20 Useful & Practical Tips To Save Money on Renting

Living in rental apartments and constantly being racked with guilt for not being able to save enough money even after working super hard throughout the month is something almost all paying guests experience. Here are the top 20 ways that’ll help you balance your budget to secure a good future ahead.

1. Share Your Apartment

Well der! One of the easiest ways to save is to share your rental and split the rent across housemates.  You’ll not only save a bucket load on rent, but splitting our the household bills will save you yet more cash. 

2. Opt for a Smaller Room

From our experiences, choosing rooms can go a number of different routes. Either a big argument, a fun game, or a negotiation. Bust out your negotiation skills and pitch for the smaller room but at a lower rent – Just make sure it’s large enough to accommodate your belongings! 

3. Do Not Rent a Highly Furnished Property

Who wouldn’t like to live in a well-furnished home? But of course, it comes with a hefty price tag. So, if you are on a limited budget and want to save enough money, opt for a partly-furnished or an unfurnished home that rents less.

4. Don’t Get Carried Away with Luxury  

Similarly, many smaller apartments are also quite expensive if they offer high amenities, expensive furniture, and smart appliances. So, in addition to looking for a smaller room, look for a house with basic offerings because if you choose luxury, you have to pay high for it.

5. Compare As Much As Possible

While selecting your rental apartment, do thorough research and compare as many rooms as possible. Shortlist the top ones based on space, amenities, pricing, location, etc.

6. Avoid Mediators

Looking for rental homes can be tiresome and agents make the task a lot easier. However, they charge a good price for their job. So, you can save a lot of money by avoiding middlemen and looking for your ideal home on your own.

7. Carefully Look for Any Flaws

When you go to see your apartment, look for any flaws so that you can highlight them to the landlord to ask for a cut-off in the pricing.

8. Negotiate to Seal a Pocket-Friendly Deal

Even if you cannot find a flaw, there is no harm in negotiating to settle for a good deal.

9. Don’t Make a Rushed Decision

Avoid hurrying up and finalising the apartment within a few minutes. Take your time to research the price charged for the place offered.

10. Consider an Apartment in the Countryside

Apartments located in the city, especially in the popular areas are more expensive than those located far away.

11. Conserve Less Energy

Once you finalise your home, use less power and try conserving as much energy as possible.

12. Become Conscious Of Your Water Usage

Every home has to have it, but that doesn’t mean you need to waste it. You can shave buckets off your monthly water bill taking a few proactive steps… you’ll even do you bit for the planet at the same time.

13. Set Your Monthly Savings Goals

Even if you try lowering your expenses, saving money is hard if you haven’t set a monthly savings goal.

14. Limit Your Wants

While shopping for your wants, set a monthly expenditure goal so that you don’t surpass your limits. Furthermore, balance between your needs & wants and prioritise shopping for your essentials.

15. Shop Pre-Used Furniture

If you have opted for an unfurnished apartment and need to buy the essential furniture, look for pre-owned items from the thrift store.

16. Opt for Shared Bills

We know a lot of people would disagree with this because they have this preset notion in their mind that a shared bill often charges them more. However, this is untrue if you choose the right renter that offers green, renewable energy and installs a smart meter to charge you only for what you consume. Opt for a service provider that amalgamates water, electricity, gas, Wi-Fi, TV license, and council tax in one bill so that you don’t have to worry about paying multiple bills every month.

17. Terminate Unnecessary Subscriptions

We’re all suffering from a bit of subscription fatigue. There’s just about one for everything nowadays. Strip out the ones you don’t use and see if you can balance the load between housemates. 

18. Sign Up for a Referral Program

Many rental apartments also give a referral program to bring in more roommates. Why not earn a little commission by referring your apartment to your friends?

19. Prefer Public Transport

Another great way to save money is to walk wherever necessary and use public transport to cover long distances.

20. Look for a Part-Time Job

Lastly, you can save more money by increasing your income through a part-time job.

Wrapping Up

We hope you found our extensive list of top 20 tips to save money on renting useful. With Resooma, you can get multiple bills rolled into one easy bill – that too only for what you use. Furthermore, you get options to choose from very reasonably priced properties and can still split your bills by sharing the room with your friends. Good luck with starting to save your money!

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