Blogs > Household Bills > Tenant Reviews and Why We’re So Passionate About Collecting Them

Tenant Reviews and Why We’re So Passionate About Collecting Them

By University Cribs.
Last Updated 28 Apr 2021
- minute read

We find it bewildering that house hunters in today’s modern and digital world, still have to wait until they finally move in to find out what it is actually like living in a property. As renters we often have so many questions, but the only person we can ask is the one incentivised to make you to sign the tenancy agreement. That got us thinking. What if renters could ask the current tenants for reviews of their experiences? Is there a way we can help get them to rate your landlord? Would students find student accommodation reviews helpful? 

We figured consumers can pop onto any online store and read previous customer reviews for some product that is only going to cost them about £2. Why then, when you are about to drop over 50% of your yearly budget on a product you can not return, are there no previous tenant reviews for the property you are interested in renting?

During the process of signing for a tenancy, as tenants we are vetted on almost everything – we have to provide previous landlord references, give information on our financial situation and employment status. We even sometimes are forced to provide a guarantor in order to satisfy the agent or landlord concerns that our behaviour will be suitable for their property.

But what about the landlord and letting agent? They have to provide nothing the other way.

We think it’s about time that renters were given an avenue to hold the experiences they receive to account. Whether to rate your landlord, review your agent, review a property itself or give feedback on the area, Resooma will use this information to provide tenant verified reviews to reduce rental anxiety. 

We’re passionate that a more transparent property search process exists for renters and we’re confident that collecting and presenting existing tenant reviews is just the start of it.

How will Resooma’s property reviews work?

We are currently collecting existing and previous tenant reviews from our community. Each tenant review gets us 1 property closer goal of creating a totally transparent rental experience for young renters.

Each tenant review we collect will allow existing tenants to provide feedback on the property itself, rate your landlord on key topics like communication and speed of issue resolution and then review their local neighbourhood.

Ready to share your property experiences from a recent tenancy? You’ll be done in less than 2 mins

Tenant Reviews to Rate Your Landlord

Who will previous tenant reviews benefit? 

  • International students – Current tenant reviews will be amazingly helpful for international students choosing where they want to live. With international students unable to visit the accommodation or area, using student accommodation reviews from previous tenants who lived in the property will add trust to the listing. 
  • Landlords and letting agents – We bet you were not expecting this one to feature on this list. Well actually, quite the opposite. When you rate your landlord, they generate feedback and insight from current tenants. This is a crucial step for agents to learn what they are doing great and how they can improve the experience they offer for future tenants. 
  • Everyone – Ok, we thought we’d round the list off quickly. Ultimately every in the rental chain will be positively affected by the increased transparency in the market. Good agents will shine through the crowd & renters will feel more secure with their choices about property, landlord and neighbourhood.

Have strong opinions on information we could collect from tenant reviews? Let us know

Review my property

Why does Resooma want you to rate your landlord?

Let’s face it, we get rated as a tenant in the form of references and credit checks, so why shouldn’t I get the opportunity to see how other tenants rate my landlord.

Our conversations with renters have told us that letting agents and landlords for the most part, look after their tenants pretty well and in some cases, landlord reviews were exceptionally good. At no point, as far as we could see, does that landlord get any extra kudos for going above and beyond on the service they provide. It gets lost in a sea of other tenant experiences. 

What also stood out for us, was the worry renters experience about whether they are going with a trustworthy landlord. For the most part it transpires, this anxiety and worry is totally unwarranted but we seem to let our imaginations run away with us based on a few landlord horror stories we’ve heard from others in the absence of any landlord reviews

Have strong opinions on information we could collect from tenant reviews? Let us know 

Rate my landlord

Will Resooma Show Verified Tenant Reviews?

Simple answer, yes. It’s going to be tough to do and won’t come immediately. Tenant verified reviews we think are the perfect trust symbol for future renters. We’ve lived here and this is what we experienced first hand. 

If you’re thinking of moving into a new place and would like to find out exactly what the existing tenants think you can submit a request and our team will get the information for you. 

Leave Landlord Review

Can I review all types of accommodation? 

Yes, want to eventually collect and show tenant reviews for all accommodation that we advertise on Resooma. This means you’ll be able to review everything from student accommodation reviews about student halls, houses and flats rented from a letting agent or even that funky new co-living place in the centre of town. 

Providing a tenant review helps raise money for charity. 

We’re calling on the renting community to help us collect as many property and area reviews as possible. Whilst you’ll be improving the experience for future renters, for each property review collected, Resooma will be pledging £1 to the charity, Mind.


Review a property for Mind Charity.


Mind is a mental health charity that makes sure no-one has to face a mental health problem alone. During what has been an extraordinarily difficult time for all of us; having to navigate lockdowns, living in isolation, many of us (or close friends) have had our mental state pushed during the last year. The work Mind does is supporting millions of people across the UK overcome these internal struggles.  

Support Mind now by leaving a landlord review

Why should you leave a property review today?

  1. It costs you absolutely nothing.
  2. Leaving a review will take less than 2 minute of your time.
  3. Good landlords and letting agents deserve to be praised.
  4. For each review, we’re donating £1 to Mind the mental health charity.
  5. You’ll be improving the experience of future renters.
  6. Let’s do it! Rate my landlord and review my property 


Resooma is an accommodation website for rental properties driven by the mission of becoming the most transparent source of rental information for tenants. We are using area data and existing tenant reviews to provide tenants accurate information on what living in a potential property would actually be like, before they move in.

Are you looking for a student house or flat for next year? Are you needing information about setting up and managing your household bills? We would love to help.

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