Blogs > Money Saving Tips > The best thing to spend your fresh student loan on…

The best thing to spend your fresh student loan on…

By University Cribs.
Last Updated 01 Mar 2018
- minute read

Which day of the year rivals Christmas with anticipation and excitement? ‘Loan drop’ day of course! Now that it’s here, why not do something different with your money this year rather than splashing it all on VK’s…

get your billion back make it rain GIF by Billion Back Records

How about saving your loan drop cash and putting down a deposit on a lush new home for next year, finding the university crib of your dreams will be far easier if you get ahead of the post-exam house hunting rush!

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Or perhaps you could be savvy with your money by paying off your next three months rent today – although it will make your balance look a little upsetting at first, at least you’ll know exactly how much cash you have to spend for the rest of the term! Be the envy of your savvy-less friends… you’ll be able to organise a weekly budget for essentials and whatever is left over can be your pocket money to spend on that online ASOS shop you’ve been eyeing up for the last month.

mtv style shopping GIF by Paramount Movies

Or you could do something spontaneous such as booking a flight to Sydney to avoid your responsibilities for after your exams – it was the hottest day ever recorded in Australia this week – that’s one way to escape the cold!

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Use your loan to put down your deposit now! Search hundreds of properties on University Cribs today!

All your utility bills in one monthly payment, split between housemates

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