Make renting less stressful and raise £1000 for Mind Charity

Improve the rental experience in 3 minutes by reviewing your rental home, and we’ll donate £1 per review to the mental health charity, Mind

Review your property and landlord

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Your opinion matters

Finding a home that matches your lifestyle and monthly budget is one necessity, but getting feedback from the current tenants about what it’s really like to live there is invaluable.

By submitting a review about your current or previous rental dig, you can help us give other renters the 'true view' of a home before they sign a lease. Save someone from a renting disaster or help them find a real gem of a home.

Ask current tenants questions about a property you’re interested in

Found a property you like but want to get it proofed before you commit? Request a review from the property address as we will get in touch with the current tenants and ask for their feedback

You need more than just pics and a description

You want to choose the right area to match your lifestyle, a property that matches your needs and a landlord that replies to your messages

Area vibe

Is the area you live in Student or family? Friendly or unsafe? Tell us what it’s really like to live in your area

Landlord feedback

A landlord can make or break your property experience. Tell us a little about how they managed your property

Property condition

Pictures can be outdated and enhanced. You’re the true expert of the property so let us know about it’s condition

Supporting Mind Charity

Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem.

Moving home, living with unfriendly housemates or running into problems with rent and bills can all be triggers of anxiety. Resooma aims to help ease rental stresses and thus chose to support Mind as our charity partner.

Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health issues and campaign to improve services and promote understanding.

We’re donating £1 per property review, which takes only 3 minutes of your time.