3 bedroom house, London



per month

£320.66 / per person per month

, Balham Station Road, Clapham, London, SW12 9SG, Clapham, London

3 bedrooms
3 bathroom
Bills not included

Property Description

Description IDEAL COMPANY LET REQUIRES UPDATING EXCEPTIONALLY SPACIOUS This impressively sized 3 double bedroom property located directly above Balham Station could act as the perfect opportunity for a company let.The apartment will require some initial investment which could then lead to a goldmine!Contact us today for more informationUK HOMEOWNER GUARANTOR REQUIRED FOR ALL COMPANIES.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area

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This property is marketed and listed by

Aston Vaughan

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About the Area

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About the area

A modern, lively area in South London that is home to over 14,000 people, mostly consisting of young professionals and families. On the Northern line, tucked into Zone 3, Balham is home to Balham High Road which includes independent stores, coffee shops and restaurants. Whether you’re wanting a quiet area to study for those final exams, or a bustling bar to party into the night, Balham is the perfect place for students and graduates.

Parking near the property

Free street parking
Permit parking
Off-road parking


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Average internet speed:

4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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    Costs of living

    Bills Included

    Not included

    Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills

    per month / per week


    Cost of living in the area

    Deposit and fees

    Deposit amount: -

    Letting fees: -

    Extra information:

    A modern, lively area in South London that is home to over 14,000 people, mostly consisting of young professionals and families. On the Northern line, tucked into Zone 3, Balham is home to Balham High Road which includes independent stores, coffee shops and restaurants. Whether you’re wanting a quiet area to study for those final exams, or a bustling bar to party into the night, Balham is the perfect place for students and graduates.

    Rooms and furnishing

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