2 bedroom house, London



per month

£585 / per person per month

, Camden Road, Camden, London, NW1 9EA, Camden, London

2 bedrooms
2 bathroom
Bills not included

Property Description

Description Hunters are delighted to present this wonderful furnished flat. Comprising of 2 double bedrooms, an open space living room/ fitted kitchen, one bathroom and a private rear garden. The property also benefits from having a number of local shops, pubs and restaurants nearby, as well as Camden Market being a couple of minutes walk away. It also has fantastic transport links, being within walking distance of both Camden overground and underground stations, as well as a number of bus stops in the area. The property is ideal for any professionals or students looking to relocate in the area. Please reply to this advert to book a viewing or for more information.

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Hunters (Camden)

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About the area

Bursting with history and culture, Camden Town has always been a hub of fashion, live music, good food and a sense of community. The borough of Camden is home to many iconic London landmarks including; The British Library, London Zoo and the BT Tower. Situated to the North of Inner City London, Camden Town has excellent transport links for students and commuters. Who wouldn’t want to live in Camden Town?

Parking near the property

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4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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    Costs of living

    Bills Included

    Not included

    Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills

    per month / per week


    Cost of living in the area

    Deposit and fees

    Deposit amount: -

    Letting fees: -

    Extra information:

    Bursting with history and culture, Camden Town has always been a hub of fashion, live music, good food and a sense of community. The borough of Camden is home to many iconic London landmarks including; The British Library, London Zoo and the BT Tower. Situated to the North of Inner City London, Camden Town has excellent transport links for students and commuters. Who wouldn’t want to live in Camden Town?

    Rooms and furnishing

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