3 bedroom house, Reading



per month

£301.86 / per person per month

10, Crown Street, Reading, RG1 2SE

3 bedrooms
3 bathroom
Bills not included

Property Description

Choose to live in our Classic Ensuite and share an apartment with four other flatmates! Furnished with a cosy ¾ sized bed, an ensuite bathroom, wardrobe, shelving and a comfortable desk area for you to complete all your work, you might never want to leave your new abode. It’s part of a cluster apartment who’ll all share a modern kitchen and living area. Opt for this room if you enjoy socialising with others, but also enjoy the privacy of your own room!

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Games room
Common room
Bike storage
Laundry room
En suite

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About the Area

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About the area

The vibrant town of Reading offers a perfect mix of historical charm, modern attractions, and a very lively student scene. With impeccable transport links around and out of the town, you won’t find yourself having to walk no matter where you’d like to go! What’s more, with such great shops, restaurants, bars and clubs, you’ll never be without something to do.

Parking near the property

Free street parking
Permit parking
Off-road parking


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Average internet speed:

4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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Common crimes in the area:

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    Costs of living

    Bills Included

    Not included

    Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills

    per month / per week


    Cost of living in the area

    Deposit and fees

    Deposit amount: -

    Letting fees: -

    Extra information:

    The vibrant town of Reading offers a perfect mix of historical charm, modern attractions, and a very lively student scene. With impeccable transport links around and out of the town, you won’t find yourself having to walk no matter where you’d like to go! What’s more, with such great shops, restaurants, bars and clubs, you’ll never be without something to do.

    Rooms and furnishing

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