1 bedroom house, London



per month

£2318.33 / per person per month

101-105, Gower Street, London

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills not included

Property Description

The ever popular Bronze Studio measures around 15-16.5m² and comes with everything you need for a comfortable place to call home. This studio comes complete with a modern kitchenette and en-suite bathroom.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Laundry room
Cinema room
En suite
Outdoor area

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Homes For Students

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About the Area

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About the area

Found in the London borough of Camden, Bloomsbury is the literary heart of London and home to Bloomsbury Publishing house. It is a popular residential area, with a number of educational institutions, making it a perfect location for students and young professionals. 

Parking near the property

Free street parking
Permit parking
Off-road parking


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Average internet speed:

4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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Common crimes in the area:

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    Costs of living

    Bills Included

    Not included

    Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills

    per month / per week


    Cost of living in the area

    Deposit and fees

    Deposit amount: -

    Letting fees: -

    Extra information:

    Found in the London borough of Camden, Bloomsbury is the literary heart of London and home to Bloomsbury Publishing house. It is a popular residential area, with a number of educational institutions, making it a perfect location for students and young professionals. 

    Rooms and furnishing

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