4 bedroom house, Cardiff



per month

£133.25 / per person per month

135-137, Augusta Street, Adamsdown, Cardiff, CF24 0EP, Adamsdown, Cardiff

4 bedrooms
4 bathroom
Bills not included

Property Description

Description The property is currently being upgraded ready for occupation from 1st July. House is located on Augusta street in Adamsdown which is a short walk into he city center and within easy access to Cardiff bay. House is currently being plastered, painted and new carpets being laid. The property comes with four bedrooms, separate ground floor front lounge with first floor shower room. The kitchen is dated but in good order. Nice easy to maintain rear garden.

Property Features

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About the Area

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About the area

A mostly residential area just east of Cardiff city centre, Splott is a great place to live if you want the city lifestyle but in a quieter area. Splott is mostly known for it's terraced houses lining the streets of the area, but it also has some great amenities surrounding the residential area too. Splott is fairly close to the city centre, with it only being a 30 minute walk, passing the scenic docks on the way.

Parking near the property

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4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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    Costs of living

    Bills Included

    Not included

    Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills

    per month / per week


    Cost of living in the area

    Deposit and fees

    Deposit amount: -

    Letting fees: -

    Extra information:

    A mostly residential area just east of Cardiff city centre, Splott is a great place to live if you want the city lifestyle but in a quieter area. Splott is mostly known for it's terraced houses lining the streets of the area, but it also has some great amenities surrounding the residential area too. Splott is fairly close to the city centre, with it only being a 30 minute walk, passing the scenic docks on the way.

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