Above average
152, Margravine Gardens West Kensington, Hammersmith & Shepherd's Bush, London, W6 8RJ, Hammersmith & Shepherd's Bush, London
Data supplied by PropertyData
We don't have this information for this property just yet but it's coming soon!
We don't have this information for this property just yet but it's coming soon!
Located in West London, Hammersmith is an urban area with easy access to central London. With excellent amenities and a large shopping / transport centre, an increasing number of young professionals and families are moving to this spot.
Data supplied by PropertyData
We don't have this information for this property just yet but it's coming soon!
Average internet speed:
4G/5G coverage: Coming soon
Data supplied by PropertyData
We don't have this information for this property just yet but it's coming soon!
Common crimes in the area:
Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills
per month / per week
Deposit amount: £1780 total
Letting fees: -
Extra information:
Located in West London, Hammersmith is an urban area with easy access to central London. With excellent amenities and a large shopping / transport centre, an increasing number of young professionals and families are moving to this spot.
£962.00per month
£120.25per person per month
, Gunnersbury Lane, Ealing, London, W3 9BB, London,
£995.28per month
£165.88per person per month
, Park Drive, Ealing, London, W3 8NB, London,
£1005.42per month
£167.57per person per month
, Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing, London, W3 8LD, London,