10 bedroom house, Manchester



per month

£67.16 / per person per month

28, Ladybarn Lane, Fallowfield, Manchester, M14 6NQ, Fallowfield, Manchester, M14 6NQ

10 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Bills not included

Property Description

Description FANTASTIC NEWLY REFURBISHED 10 BEDROOM HOUSELarge Victorian terrace located just behind Sainsbury's. This newly refurbished property is set over 4 floors and has 10 spacious double bedrooms and huge open plan living area perfect for socialising. Modern kitchen with feature window seat. Incredible bathroom with stand alone tub and glass roof for star gazing! Although recently modernised the property retains some original features and also benefits from exposed brickwork, reclaimed timber feature wall and stylish decor. Rear courtyard and on road parking. A fantastic student house!Half Price rent throughout July.

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