9 bedroom house, Sheffield



per month

£52.95 / per person per month

298, Ecclesall Road, Ecclesall, Sheffield, S11 8PJ, Ecclesall, Sheffield, S11 8PJ

9 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Bills not included

Property Description

Description In the heart of Ecclesall Road opposite Starbucks for that early wake-up coffee. This house is virtually next door to Collegiate Crescent Campus and a short walk from City campus. A very big lounge with 4 large leather settees, coffee table and television. Large modern kitchen with all appliances including washer/dryer, 2 fridge/freezers, 2 ovens, 2 gas hobs and a dishwasher. Equally sized large bedrooms. 3 fully tiled shower rooms with shower, toilet and basin. TV aerial point and 3 double sockets in each bedroom. Gas central heating serviced by a combi-boiler, for instant hot water. Fully double glazed. Private rear patio.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area

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