3, Park Road, Camden, London, NW8 7HY, Camden, London
Data supplied by PropertyData
Maida Vale is an affluent residential area in Northwest London. It’s also a very attractive area, with Victorian houses and the Little Venice waterway dotted with canal boats. While Maida Vale has the distinct feel of a London village, it’s still within easy reach of central London, making it perfect for renters and young professionals.
Data supplied by PropertyData
Average internet speed:
4G/5G coverage: Coming soon
Data supplied by PropertyData
Common crimes in the area:
Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills
per month / per week
Deposit amount: -
Letting fees: -
Extra information:
Maida Vale is an affluent residential area in Northwest London. It’s also a very attractive area, with Victorian houses and the Little Venice waterway dotted with canal boats. While Maida Vale has the distinct feel of a London village, it’s still within easy reach of central London, making it perfect for renters and young professionals.
per month
per person per month
3, Park Road, Camden, London, NW8 7HY, London,
per month
per person per month
3, Park Road, Camden, London, NW8 7HY, London,
per month
per person per month
12-14, Park Road, Camden, London, NW8 7HY, London,