7 bedroom house, Sheffield



per month

£66.21 / per person per month

399, Cowlishaw Road, Ecclesall, Sheffield, S11 8XE, Ecclesall, Sheffield, S11 8XE

7 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Bills not included

Property Description

Description The property has a modern fitted kitchen with 2 ovens & hobs and 2 fridge/freezers, with an open plan dining and seating area. The house also has a separate lounge with sofas and a wall mounted electric fire. Each of the large bedrooms are nicely decorated and furnished with contemporary fittings, including desks and chairs in every room. On the 1st floor there is a bathroom with bath, overhead shower, hand basin and toilet, as well as a shower room with shower cubicle, hand basin and toilet. On the 2nd floor there is a further shower room with shower cubicle, hand basin and toilet. Enclosed in the rear garden is a spacious patio, ideal for enjoying summer evenings.EPC rating C due - Quarterly (August, October, January & April) Deposit - Council Tax Band* - C *Council tax not applicable where all tenants are full time students.Council Tax Band: C (Sheffield City Council)Deposit: £200

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