8 bedroom house, Liverpool



per month

£65 / per person per month

467, Garmoyle Road, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 5AD, Wavertree, Liverpool

8 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Bills not included

Property Description

Description Available for the 2024/25 academic year for only £, inclusive of all bills.Spacious Student House: Enormous 8 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom House Available for Rent!Calling all students in search of the ultimate student residence! Your dream student home is here. This expansive 8-bedroom, 2-bathroom house is specially designed to offer ample space, comfort, and convenience for you and your housemates.Conveniently located near campus and packed with essential amenities, it's the perfect place for you to thrive during your university experience. This property is just a walk away to plenty of Liverpool's bars and restaurants, a 24-hour Asda, Sefton Park, the City Centre and Uni. Key Features:* 8 Generous Bedrooms - Abundant room for you and your housemates to live, study, and thrive.* 2 Full Bathrooms * Fully Furnished - Move in without hassle; essential furniture and appliances are provided* Spacious Common Areas - Perfect for group study sessions, socializing, or relaxation.* Well-Equipped Kitchen - Cook up culinary delights with modern appliances* High-Speed Internet - Stay connected for online classes, research, and entertainment.* On - Street Parking * Short Distance to Campus - Enjoy a short commute£200

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