493A, London, Chelsea, London, SW6 2LY, Chelsea, London
Data supplied by PropertyData
Located in the West London neighbourhood of Fulham, Parsons Green is an attractive residential area. It’s considered to be an upmarket location, packed with shops, bars, boutiques and restaurants. You’ll often find working professionals and families relaxing in the Green itself.
Data supplied by PropertyData
Average internet speed:
4G/5G coverage: Coming soon
Data supplied by PropertyData
Common crimes in the area:
Average cost of bills per person via Resooma Bills
per month / per week
Deposit amount: -
Letting fees: -
Extra information:
Located in the West London neighbourhood of Fulham, Parsons Green is an attractive residential area. It’s considered to be an upmarket location, packed with shops, bars, boutiques and restaurants. You’ll often find working professionals and families relaxing in the Green itself.
per month
per person per month
33, Whitebeam Close, Oval, London, SW9 0EG, London,
per month
per person per month
33, Whitebeam Close, Oval, London, SW9 0EG, London,
per month
per person per month
33, Dorset Road, Oval, London, SW8 1AQ, London,