101, Landale House, London



per month

£931.66 / per person per month

101, Landale House, Lower Road, London, SE16 2XG

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills Included

Property Description

This Silver Non-Ensuite Room offers some gorgeous views from your window, with plenty of space too! Sink into your comfy ¾ bed and crack on with uni work at your very own study desk with no distractions. With a shared lounge and kitchen area you can chill out with your mates, watch TV, and cook up a storm! You also get 100Mbps WiFi throughout the building, so you can stream to your heart’s content, whether it's online shopping or uni work!

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Common room
Bike storage
Laundry room

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About the area

Located in South East London, Bermondsey is a trendy area that has seen major regeneration in recent years. It is a hub for young people, known for its warehouse conversions, artisan street food and it’s huge number of microbreweries. It is becoming an increasingly popular place to live for young professionals. 

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4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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    Costs of living

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    Deposit and fees

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    Extra information:

    Located in South East London, Bermondsey is a trendy area that has seen major regeneration in recent years. It is a hub for young people, known for its warehouse conversions, artisan street food and it’s huge number of microbreweries. It is becoming an increasingly popular place to live for young professionals. 

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