The Green, Bradford



per month

£355.33 / per person per month

The Green, De Walden Way, Bradford, BD7 1BD

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills Included

Property Description

Our modern accommodation is the place to be whilst studying in Bradford. You’re seriously spoiled for choice when it comes to where to live, but we bet the Premium Townhouse is the one for you!

Consisting of 12 cosy bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, you’re guaranteed to fall in love with this property if you thrive off social situations. 2 bedrooms even get the luxury of sharing together, so if this is something you and your bestie want - make sure to book with us now!

The ground floor of this stunning townhouse offers a spacious living and kitchen area, with comfortable sofas, a large 50 inch TV and an extra WC! It’ll be the perfect place for you to relax and unwind after a stressful day at uni, especially considering you’ll be surrounded by all your pals! Fancy catching some rays in the summer? The large kitchen connects to patio doors, which backs onto your own luxurious is that?

By staying here, you’ll benefit from all utilities, internet and super fast wifi so you don’t have to worry about all 12 of you working at once...we’ve thought of it all!

If you’re interested, book as an individual or as a group to take advantage of these modern Premium Townhouses.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Laundry room

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