144 Huddleston Rd, London N7 0EG, United Kingdom, London, N7 0EG
Data supplied by PropertyData
Surrounding the busy Kentish Town Road, Kentish Town is known for its hub of welcoming hospitality establishments such as pubs, shops and restaurants. In recent years, it’s growing into a trendy, hip place for students and young professionals to live and thrive there with health food spots and cocktail bars. Moving away from the shopping district, Kentish Town becomes quieter and a perfect residential area.
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Average internet speed:
4G/5G coverage: Coming soon
Data supplied by PropertyData
Common crimes in the area:
Deposit amount: -
Letting fees: -
Extra information:
Surrounding the busy Kentish Town Road, Kentish Town is known for its hub of welcoming hospitality establishments such as pubs, shops and restaurants. In recent years, it’s growing into a trendy, hip place for students and young professionals to live and thrive there with health food spots and cocktail bars. Moving away from the shopping district, Kentish Town becomes quieter and a perfect residential area.
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per person per month
3, Park Road, Camden, London, NW8 7HY, London,
per month
per person per month
3, Park Road, Camden, London, NW8 7HY, London,
per month
per person per month
, Mornington Crescent, Camden, London, NW1 7RH, London,