Sunlight Apartments, London



per month

£784.33 / per person per month

30 Sunlight Square, London E2 6LD, UK, London, E26LD

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills Included

Property Description

Located near the lush Bethnal Green Gardens, The Sunlight Apartments are quality apartments at reasonable prices. Offering non-en-suite rooms in 4 bedroom flats, the accommodation provides great value for money with shared living at its best.

With the Bethnal Green train station just 3 minutes away, and the nearest bus stop a couple of minutes away, the property features great connectivity with the rest of London and all of the major universities through the efficient public transport links. To spend your day with some fun- filled activities, you could go for an invigorating jog at the Weaver Fields nearby, head over to the local supermarket for a shopping spree, or unwind after a hard workday with your friends at the local bars and restaurants, just to name a few.

The accommodation offers a total of 24 beds, providing a well taken care of lifestyle and a closed community experience. Ever room is tastefully furnished and comes with its own 3/4 sized bed, a study area, and plenty of storage space for your belongings. The kitchen and the common areas are shared, for a great social living experience. Besides the luxuries, the property is equipped with CCTV cameras that work 24/7 and a secure door entry providing you a secure stay. It also features an all-inclusive rent, so that you never have to worry about any pesky utility bills or additional costs and can utilize the commodities to your heart’s content.

Life at this accommodation will be a blissful experience. From cooking your favorite meals in the well-equipped kitchen or just heating the leftovers in the microwave for a light lunch, to streaming your favourite shows through the high-speed Wi-Fi or binging out in front of the TV in the common room, the Sunlight Apartments have everything you could possibly need and more. You just need to book a room and relax!

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Laundry room

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About the Area

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About the area

Situated in the East End of London, close to Mile End and Shoreditch, is Bethnal Green. A down-to-earth neighbourhood with a population of just over 27,000. The neighbourhood has a wide spread demographic of young professionals, students and families from all walks of life, giving the area a huge cultural boost and interest. Bethnal Green has a mix of amenities to reflect its residents, from long-standing local cafes to hip bars and restaurants.

Parking near the property

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4G/5G coverage: Coming soon

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    Costs of living

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    Extra information:

    Situated in the East End of London, close to Mile End and Shoreditch, is Bethnal Green. A down-to-earth neighbourhood with a population of just over 27,000. The neighbourhood has a wide spread demographic of young professionals, students and families from all walks of life, giving the area a huge cultural boost and interest. Bethnal Green has a mix of amenities to reflect its residents, from long-standing local cafes to hip bars and restaurants.

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