One Penrhyn Road, Kingston (UK)



per month

£749.66 / per person per month

1 Penrhyn Road, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 2 BT, Kingston (UK), KT12BT

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills Included

Property Description

One Penrhyn Road is at the perfect location for students looking to experience the hustle and bustle of the city while also reveling in the beauty of staying near the riverside. It is conveniently located at a walking distance of 5 minutes from the Kingston University, saving the students from a tiring journey to and fro to college. It is also quite close to St Mary's or Roehampton University with buses running from Penrhyn Road.

The accommodation is at a pristine location for those who want to explore the city of London. With the Kingston Station, just a 10 minute walk away, you can easily board a train and reach the heart of London in 30 minutes. When you just want to relax and discover a world of serenity, just take a 5-minute walk and find yourself looking out towards the peaceful water of the river Thames. When the explorer in you wants to come out, well then, take a break from your studies and discover London's largest open space which is just a 15-minute walk away. For the girls who love shopping, you’ll find vintage boutiques and a shopping center where you can practice retail therapy.

One Penrhyn Road offers students a home away from home, with all the facilities you need at just a doorstep away so that you can study or relax within the confines of your room. The rooms are designed to provide you maximum comfort and the plus side is that you can customize your room the way you want. If you prefer group studies, you can use the common space especially if you have decided to pull an all-nighter before your exams (staying up all night is better when you have company).

The living quarters at One Penhryn Road are so full of life, you might not even go out for days and just spend them in the common room planning movie marathons. And for the people who just can’t seem to stay still, fret not, there is a lot to find once you’ve stepped out. From a bowling alley, just a 9 minute walk away to the cinema just an 11-minute walk away, you have plenty of options to choose from. For those who are too tired to go out, they can always just stay in and spend their time with the friends gossiping about everything and anything.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Games room
Study room
Laundry room

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About the area

Located in the borough of Wandsworth in South West London, Putney is only 6 miles from central London. With a range of transport options, plenty of green outdoor space and excellent amenities, Putney is becoming increasingly popular with renters. 

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    Extra information:

    Located in the borough of Wandsworth in South West London, Putney is only 6 miles from central London. With a range of transport options, plenty of green outdoor space and excellent amenities, Putney is becoming increasingly popular with renters. 

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