The Cube Purvis House 10 Denham Street London, SE10 0XU, London, SE100SJ
Data supplied by PropertyData
Located in South East London, Greenwich is a part of the city that is steeped in history. It’s a vibrant place to live with an abundance of things to see and do, making it the perfect place for students and young professionals.
Data supplied by PropertyData
Average internet speed:
4G/5G coverage: Coming soon
Data supplied by PropertyData
Common crimes in the area:
Deposit amount: -
Letting fees: -
Extra information:
Located in South East London, Greenwich is a part of the city that is steeped in history. It’s a vibrant place to live with an abundance of things to see and do, making it the perfect place for students and young professionals.
per month
per person per month
240, Lockesfield Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 3AH, London,
per month
per person per month
240, Ambassador Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 9UX, London,
per month
per person per month
240, Ambassador Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 9UX, London,