Bramall Court, Salford



per month

£390 / per person per month

Cannon Street, Salford, Manchester, M3 6WA, Salford, M36WA

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills Included

Property Description

Bramall Court is a modern student accommodation in Salford, located close to Manchester. A key advantage of staying here is its proximity to university campuses. The University of Salford takes 17-minutes to reach on foot, so the students will have plenty of time to spare. Those with an interest in art must visit Salford Museum and Art Gallery which is close to the campus.

The nearest bus station is right around the corner, making it easy to travel around the city. Take the tram from Exchange Square station which is a 19-minutes’ walk away from the residence. Salford Central train station is a 14-minutes’ walk away for when you want to explore the nearby cities. City Airport & Heliport takes 19-minutes to reach by car which is convenient for students who are new to the city.

With spacious living spaces as well as communal areas, students have plenty of opportunities to build their social life. When you need to work on your assignments or study for an exam, the peace and quiet of your room makes for the perfect spot. Invite your classmates over for a group study session and have them stay over for dinner. Impress them with your culinary skills by preparing dinner for them in the fully-equipped kitchen.

Go for an evening stroll alongside the River Irwell and indulge in a fine dining experience at the various restaurants nearby. After a tiring week at the university, make plans to meet up with your friends at The Old Pint Pot, and treat yourself to an open mic night. When you want to de-stress, make use of the facilities at the University of Salford Sports Centre without worrying about heading back home.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Laundry room

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