Ladywell Halls, Preston



per month

£312 / per person per month

Ladywell Halls, Ladywell Street, Preston, PR1 2XF, Preston, PR1 2XF

1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Bills Included

Property Description

Ladywell Halls is a tastefully furnished student accommodation in Preston with everything available in and around the nook & corner of the city. The University of Central Lancashire is just a 7-minutes’ walk away so you can save both time and money on your daily commute. One can quickly reach for early-lectures while snoozing their alarm for extra 10-minutes.

Located in a good area, the accommodation is unrivalled with various transport links. Corporation St. is the nearest bus-station with hardly 2-minutes’ walk away from the residence. It gives you the freedom to explore the city with Preston’s Train Station being 10-minutes’ walk away. With the easily accessible public transport, you can explore the city with your friends to your heart’s content.

The rooms of Ladywell Halls are furnished to the highest of standards, keeping in mind the comfort of the students. Each room consists of a comfortable bed, workstation, and large storage spaces for all your belongings. If you have any issue during your stay, you can contact the on-site maintenance team at the accommodation. You can prepare your meals in the fully-equipped kitchen and share them with other residents. The cherry on the top here is the on-site laundry facility.

The residents can find everything they need in close vicinity, ranging from restaurants, and bars, to shops, supermarkets, and other outlets. When you’re running out of groceries, head to ALDI, the grocery giant known for its super-discounted prices. Those with an interest in history and art must visit Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library, which takes only 10-minutes to reach on foot.

Property Features

Close to uni
Safe area
Laundry room

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