
Beds and baths


£3000 PPPM

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Student Accommodation Clifton, Bristol

Cheap Student Accommodation in Clifton

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This area only

8 results that match your search

£863.20per month

£86.32per person per month

86-90, Cheltenham Road, City Centre, Bristol, BS6 5RH, Bristol, BS6 5RB

10 beds
3 baths

£940.33per month

£188.06per person per month

58, Stanley Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 6NW, Bristol, BS6 6NW

5 beds
1 baths

£1113.66per month

£278.41per person per month

40A, Oakfield Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2AW, Bristol, BS8 2AW

4 beds
4 baths

£1386.66per month

£693.33per person per month

King Square Studios, 4 Dighton Street, Bristol BS2 8AU, Bristol, BS28AU

2 beds
1 baths

£1473.33per month

£736.66per person per month

Studio 58, Dighton Street, Bristol, BS2 8AL

2 beds
1 baths

£750.01per month

£750.01per person per month

11, Ashgrove Road, Bristol, BS6 6LY

1 beds
3 baths

All your bills in one monthly payment, split between housemates

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£960.00per month

£960.00per person per month

Flat 2, 58, Alma Road, Bristol, BS8 2DG

1 beds
6 baths

£1669.98per month

£1669.98per person per month

22, Gloucester Street, Bristol, BS8 4JF

1 beds
1 baths

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