Blogs > Moving House > Things People Forget to Do When Moving | Downloadable Moving Out Checklist

Things People Forget to Do When Moving | Downloadable Moving Out Checklist

By Becca Winkler.
Last Updated 29 May 2024
- minute read

Moving house can be stressful and time consuming, which can result in forgetting many minor tasks and make the move even more unnecessarily stressful. Luckily for you, we’ve created this ultimate moving out checklist so you can have a more enjoyable move and remember everything that you need to do! Read through our blog post to guide you through your move, and then download our free moving out checklist to print off and use in your own time.

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Tasks to complete 2 months before you move out of your property

  • Start collecting boxes for packing. You can ask friends or family, or you can buy some from companies like IKEA, B&Q or Shurguard
  • Begin to sort out your possessions. This is one of the tasks that will take the longest so starting early will definitely help. Decide what items you want to take with you, sell or donate to charity shops, or chuck in the bin. Moving house gives you the opportunity to really sort through everything you have
  • In you live in a rented property, now would be a good time to alert your landlord. This will give them enough time to sort out anything on their end, and find new tenants for the property
  • Now, WIFI is one of the utilities that takes the longest to install in your new property so you need to notify your provider ASAP. If you forget to do this, don’t worry, as one way to get WIFI really quickly is by signing up to Resooma’s bills management service. We can provide you with a free WIFI dongle within 48 hours so you can get online straight away!

Tasks to complete 1 month before you move out of your property

  • If you are using a moving company now is the time to start organising that. Get quotes from three different companies to get an idea of how much it should cost, and don’t forget to read reviews from the companies too, so you know how others have found their moving experience
  • If needed, purchase moving insurance to cover you in case anything gets damaged in the move
  • Now would also be a good time to start clearing out any outside areas like the garden or a shed
  • If you live in a rented property, it may be helpful to request a pre check out report from your landlord or letting agent. This involves the landlord or letting agent expecting your property a few weeks before you move out, check if there are any issues with the property and hopefully resolve them before the end of your tenancy, which will help you get your full deposit back. To learn more about a pre check out report, you can read our blog post all about it 👉here👈
  • And request time off work to move house. You may only need a few days off, but give your work enough time to sort out cover if they need to

Tasks to complete 2 weeks before you move out of your property

  • Start packing items that you know you wont need like extra towels, books off your bookshelf and extra bedding
  • Clean out your freezer. Defrosting your freezer can take awhile so make sure you start using up all your freezer food a few weeks before your move
  • Register at a new GP in your new local area. This is another task that may take awhile as many GP’s have too many patients. If you start looking early, you might be able to register in time for your move in to the new property
  • And if you aren’t using a moving company, it might be a good idea to have your car serviced just for peace of mind

Tasks to complete 1 week before you move out of your property

With your moving date fast approaching you may feel you have lots left to do.

  • Finish packing! We recently made a video sharing some useful moving hacks, so give that a watch after this video if you are interested! I’ll leave it linked at the end of this video and in the description.
  • If you have lots of bulky items that you don’t necessarily need straight away, it may be worth booking a storage unit and moving these items before the big moving day itself.
  • Take down any paintings and posters
  • Repair any holes, scratches of marks in your property. If you are in rented accommodation, this will help you get your full tenancy deposit back
  • Redirect your TV license to your new property – you can do this by logging into your account
  • Apply for council tax in your new neighbourhood. This will make sure you are paying the correct amount for where you live. If you are a student, you do not need to pay council tax
  • Contact the DVLA to change the address on your driving license. This will be super helpful if you need to take any rubbish to the dump in your new neighbourhood after your move
  • Redirect your mail. Start sending an post from the property you are moving out of, to the address of your new property. You can do this on the RoyalMail website
  • And finally, if you did decide to book a moving company, give them a call up and double check they have the correct moving date, time and location. This will help remove any anxiety you have around the upcoming move

Downloadable moving out checklist

To save you coming back to this blog post each time, we’ve created a FREE downloadable moving out checklist. Simply click on the image below, or click 👉here👈, enter your email address and check your inbox!

Moving Out Checklist

Video content

We know not everyone likes to read blog posts, so we’ve made some video content for all you visual learners.

Already sorted your house but need to set up bills? We can help with this too – we set up and split utilities for you. Get a free quote for your utilities here.

All your utility bills in one monthly payment, split between housemates

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