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How to Reduce Energy Costs as a Student | Energy Saving Tips

By Becca Winkler.
Last Updated 07 Aug 2024
- minute read

As a student, finding ways to save money on energy bills is essential to making your student finance last longer. Becoming more energy efficient will not only help save the planet, but it will also reduce the cost of your monthly bills too. Read on to find out how to reduce energy costs as a student…

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Quick and easy ways to reduce energy costs on a budget 💰

Some very simple and cheap ways to reduce energy costs in your student home is by turning off the plug sockets of appliances when you’re not using them. It may only save a few pennies, but those pennies add up over the year. Turn off the kettle after you’ve made a cuppa. Unplug your laptop charger. Switch off the TV at night – don’t just leave it on standby. Invest in extra blankets for the winter so you don’t have to have the heating on as high. When you have had the heating on, shut doors to keep the rooms heated for longer. To save money on water, heating and electricity make sure you only run the dishwasher when it is completely full. This will help to reduce costs too. Speaking of cleaning up, if you want to make sure you and your housemates stay on top of the cleaning, we have created a free cleaning rota that you can download and print off 👈

Resooma bills management 💡

Another way to reduce your energy bill is by bundling all utilities into one monthly payment and splitting it between housemates. Resooma will take the stress out of dealing with energy companies, as all you’ll need to do is sign up and pay that one amount each month. We bundle gas, electric, water and wifi so you don’t have to think about them. On a pay for what you use package you’ll never overpay as you’ll only pay for the exact amount of energy that you use every month. Request a free no-obligation quote here 👈

Ask your landlord about these energy saving practices 🏠

Now, whilst these are some simple tasks you can complete to ensure your student home is energy efficient and saving you money, it might be worth asking your landlord or letting agent to review the energy efficiency across the whole home. Below are some helpful ways that your landlord can improve the energy usage in your home, saving you even more money.

Switch to smart meters 🛁

Switching to smart meters is an easy way to keep track of the energy being used in your student home. Resooma can install a smart meter for free, and in doing so, will also remove the need to submit monthly meter readings! Smart meters submit automatic readings every day, making sure you only pay for the amount of energy the tenants are using. No over paying here!

should I get a smart meter?

Invest in energy-efficient appliances 💡

Whilst an initial high cost is involved, in the long run, switching to more energy-efficient white goods will help to reduce to cost of energy used in the property. Install high-star rating modern appliances like washing machines and refrigerators, to reduce costs in the future. Switching to LED lightbulbs is a cost effective way to save energy in your properties too. The short term cost is low but the long term rewards just as beneficial as switching to high-star rating white goods.

Nest thermostat 🔥

The Google Nest Thermostat is a great investment as it can learn what temperature you like, and it’ll make sure to stick to it. The Nest Learning Thermostat is priced at £219 and allows you to control the hot water as well as the heating. This thermostat can also be installed directly into the wall, to remove the risk of loosing the device.

Install Insulation 🏡

Most heat in a property is lost through the roof so making sure your student house has proper insulation installed is important. The type of insulation required will depend on the age and structure of the property, and installation must be carried out by a qualified professional. Whilst it can be a costly initial purchase, installing good insulation can save you and future tenants hundreds of pounds in energy bills in the long run.

Upgrade windows 🪟

One large factor in high cost energy bills is from windows allowing heat to escape. Become more energy efficient by upgrading the windows. Just like stated earlier, this can be a costly initial payment, however you will be reducing your bills in the future. Your landlord can upgrade the windows to modern, double glazed energy efficient windows that offer better insulation and reduce the loss of heat in a room.

By implementing all these energy saving tips, you should see the change in your energy usage and most importantly, the cost of your bills. To find out more about how Resooma can bundle and split your energy bills, click here👈

Moving house soon and need to set up bills? We can help with this – we set up and split utilities for you. Get a free quote for your utilities here.

All your utility bills in one monthly payment, split between housemates

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